A Unique Adventure of Love, Life and Arithmetic.

A unique Mozambican adventure of people, service and arithmetic.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Adios, Dallas, It's Been Real. #hashtag

Let me start by saying this post does not specifically have to do with my future Peace Corps experience, but everything to do with my journey to get there. 

On Saturday morning, I left Dallas. 

Driving away, it felt like no big deal. The idea that I may not ever live in Dallas again doesn’t seem real. When, I think of “home”, I think of Dallas. It has been my home for four very formative years. I’ve learned a lot and I have grown a lot and I have created a lot of memories that I won’t soon—or ever—forget. 

Four favorite Dallas memories in no particular order

1. Women's US National Team vs. New Zealand at Pizza Hut Park (before Toyota took over). This seems so cliche because I like totally loooove the USWNT, but it was more than just soccer. Jason (my first Dallas boyfriend but definitely not my last harharhar) and I decided to sit in the GA section near the Budweiser Beer Garden. It was a hilarious shit show. We were standing in the front row behind the goal next to like five giant foreign dudes who were HAMMERED and yelling expletives at the keeper. They would yell something completely inappropriate and then crack up laughing at their disgustingness. It. Was. Awesome. Let's not mention that the game winning goal by Alex Morgan was scored during stoppage time any EVERYONE WENT NUTS. We definitely went to the Londoner and made friends with a bunch of Red Bull employees after the game. Winning x3: drunk giants; game winner; new [hyper] friends.
Front row seats with drunks. I approve. 

2. My 27th Birthday. I know, seems typical. But this birthday was AWESOME. On my actual birthday (Earth Day), United Way hosted a staff service project. Lots of employees spent the afternoon cleaning and gardening a safe house for victims of domestic abuse. I was in a group that wrote encouraging Mother's Day cards to the residents and put together care packages. It reminded me how wonderful it is to work for a mission-oriented non-profit. That evening, Dave took me out to Reunion Tower for a beautiful dinner (even though the secret peanuts in his dish almost killed him) #oops #stilllovepeanuts. If that was the end of the story, it would have been a wonderful birthday. But here's why it made the list: Dave rented a 10-person boat on Lake Lewisville the following Saturday. My good friends Liz and Austin came in from Houston and me + 9 others packed the boat with booze and enthusiasm and went out to sea! I, of course, had a sash and a crown and I acted like the princess I was born to be. And let me tell you: I make a damn good princess.

The creator of the party. #thanksdave
Typical: Him composed; me cracking up
3. Girl's nights with the Bachelor/Bachelorette/Bachelor in Paradise. I did this with Lauren and Rachel separately through my four years, and then finally we made it through this past season of Bachelor in Paradise the three of us, without missing a week. I pretty much never cooked anything good to eat during these shows, but I sure as hell did enjoy some wonderful food. Lauren and Rachel are great cooks and I always brought veggie chips and sparkling Izze, like a champ. #notwifematerial The best part was just catching up on a weekly basis: talking about work, clothes, boys; girls we hate because they're pretty and skinny; girls we hate because they're ugly and fat; and girls we hate for no reason. Sometimes, we talked about the things we love but bitching about the things we hate is way more fun.

Check. Out. That. Spread. #nom

4. The day I got Lucy. I dragged Ryan with me to drive 1.5 hours out past Fort Worth to meet "Lexi", a dane picked out for me by the Great Dane Rescue of North Texas as a good match for my lifestyle and what I was looking for in a dog. I had already met one dane, Ruckus, and he was cute and nice but not for me (how many times have you said that to a dude after a first date?! Am I right?). So I passed on Ruckus and was excited but skeptical to meet Lexi. Would she be my dog? Well, after a long drive on a Sunday morning, plus a stop at Target to get a leash--oops I forgot that--and cash--oops forgot that too, we pulled up to Lexi's foster home. She was out back and I looked at her and I looked at Ryan and he could tell by my eyes that this is my dog. I then learned that she was a fellow vegan and that sealed the deal: we were meant to be. Before we got home we ditched the name Lexi, replaced it with Lucy, gave her lots of pets and reassurance using a voice fit for speaking to an infant, and we were in love. I truly believe it was mutual. Minus the fact that she didn't poop for three days and then let it all out on the only rug in my cement-floored apartment. (I forgive you Lucy, but let's not bring it up again. #shitloadofshit) Ever since I brought her home, Lucy and I have made more joyful memories than any human besides for my mom and my cousin Kate. She's my best friend and the most snuggly and loyal animal I have ever loved. 

Some of the first Lucy/Sarah outings

My going away party was incredible. 

Over 20 of my friends came to send me off with love and joy. The most special part was that they all whole-heartedly believe in me. They believe that I can do this. I can sell everything I own, quit my job, and get on an 18 hour flight to a foreign country that won’t return for 27 months. At times, I’m not sure I can do it. But their kind words and strong pride in this next chapter keeps me confident. 

I can’t possibly write the way I feel about every person that contributed to my Dallas experience, or else this post would be forever long and nobody would read it. So I’m going to take the most special friends that I met in Dallas and describe them with a “My friend that…” phrase.

Laura: My friend that you travel through multiple chapters of life with. #sticktogether

Rachel: My friend that listens intently and never passes judgement. #goodbadugly

Lauren: My friend that never lets you go hungry. #veganbananabread

Roneshia: My friend that calls you a “hot mess—mostly in a good way”. #wecantberoommates

Tracey: My friend that makes any piece of clothing look trendy. #tightsandboots

Elise: My friend that just loves everything. #todayisagreatday

Caitlin: My friend that is part mentor and part girly girlfriend. #workplayrepeat

Andrew C.: My friend who works hard but plays way harder. #beerpong

Noemi: My friend that dances to her own rhythm, in the best way. #om

Landon: My friend that sees no limits to success--yours or theirs. #surewhynot

Lyssa: My friend that believes in the journey, not the final destination. #dowhatyoulove

Dafnee: My friend that is beautifully unique. #cantstopwontstop

Andrew W: My friend that spends all his free time outside doing activities. #dogsandbikes

Ashley: My friend that appears to be over-the-top compassionate about dogs...unless you're a dog person. #somepeoplejustdontunderstand

Ryan: My friend who you can sit with and talk a lot or not at all, and either way is wonderful. #anythinggoes

Dave: My friend who you can talk about poop with and both think it’s equal parts disgusting and hilarious. #shart

Liz: My friend that absolutely 100% understands my desire to see the world. #wanderlust

Talia: My friend that used to be your boss and you’re so glad she’s not anymore so you can actually be friends. #finallyfbfriends

Nailah: My friend that is always peppy and cheerful. #youcandoit

Brittany H.: My friend that inspires me to get off my ass and live my dreams instead of just talking about them. #peacecorpslesotho

Really, there is so much more to each friendship than what I listed above. But even with just a small statement of each consider this: If you had one friend who represented each of the individual snippets of qualities I listed above, you would be a very lucky person. 

I am a very lucky person. 

Thanks, Dallas, for all these special people (+ dog) and the beauty they have brought into my world.

Going Away Party Photos

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